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    I am possibly going in for a surgery, and am curious; why are there so few robotic surgery units in Canada compared to the US?

    Reply 1 31m
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      While there is no one simple response to this question, there are a few clear factors as to Canada’s lack of telesurgical units. The cost of these machines is quite high, and a lot of patients cannot afford the high prices. This may come as a shock that in Canada healthcare would be too expensive, but robotic surgery is not covered by any government insurance plans.(Spitz,2013)

      Reply 1 26m
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    Similarly to how telehealth has aided remote reservations in receiving medical care without in-house physicians, it may be beneficial to have telesurgery units near or within certain reservations. This would allow faster operations because surgeons would not need to be transported all the way to these remote areas. Virtual clinics were already shown to be a large help in diagnosing patients without needing the doctor in the same room as the patient, so why not take this approach with emergency surgeries..? (RhPAP, & Communications,2022)

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